Nored Family

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Busy... Busy....

Since I have not be able to work outside the home, I have been filling my time with trying to find what I can do to bring in the extra income we need. I have actually found a lot of things to do that help more than people think they do.

The first is my newest hobby - Couponing! Yes - some people laugh at this one. Sounds pathetic to many I guess; but it really surprised me at how much can be saved just by clipping coupons. One week I got 7 tubes of crest toothpaste and a 4 roll pack of Angel Soft - out of pocket my total was less than $2.00!!!! Most of the time I save anywhere from 50 - 90% off my grocery bill. That does add up.

Another thing is photography. I have always loved taking pictures. I always have my camera everywhere I go. Sometimes I think people hate to see my camera - LOL. I have really had a lot of fun with it lately and take all my kids pictures now.

The last thing is babysitting. I have always loved children. Children are the future of the world. Life just isn't the same without them. I can see the smallest thing in a child and it brings the brightest smile to my face. Need I say more??

So - this morning I got into my creative mood and made flyers for babysitting and photography. This is what I came up with.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Hope and her friend....

These are the pictures I took of Hope and her friend Summer. These and the ones of Cody were all done at the Bamboo Forest in Prattville. I think they all turned out really nice. Hope you enjoy the updated photo's. Maybe soon I will find the time to post an update.

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Photography Practice with Cody

I have been playing around with my photography with Cody. This is what I came up with. Yes - he is growing up on me.

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Group Shot

This is the entire group ( I think... LOL) that James works with. This was the annual company Biscuits Baseball Night! A lot of fun

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Biscuits Game with company




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Walk of LIfe

This was from the walk of life in April. I am way behind in my blogging




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Hope's Sweet 16

Hope turned 16 in July. Here are some pics from her party. My kids are growing up way to fast.

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Cody's Birthday

It has been a while since I blogged so I have to catch up some. Cody turned 14 May 31st. Here are a couple pics from his party.




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Thursday, September 09, 2010

Get Out Of Hell Free

Wouldn't it be nice if avoiding hell were as simple as having a "GET OUT OF HELL FREE" card ? Many religions teach that if you do enough good, say enough prayers or follow enough rules that you will escape hell when you die and go to heaven. The bible teaches us that God hates these types of religions (Amos 5:21, Hebrews 10:11-14) and that no one is good (Romans 3:23, John 3:19, John 7:7). It is appointed once to die and then the judgement. (Hebrews 9:27) Lets take a quick test based on God's standard, The Ten Commandments (John 8:47, John 9:41). Ever lied? Stolen? Hated, which Jesus calls murder? Lusted, which Jesus called adultery? Would you be innocent or guilty? Would God send you to heaven or hell? Can you get out of hell for free? God is perfectly Just. He must punish sin. The good news is that Jesus chose to receive on Himself the punishment that justly belonged to you. Jesus being fully God and fully man became the only acceptable sacrifice for sin. He lived a perfect life, then died on the cross and rose from the dead. Repent of your sins and trust in Jesus for Salvation (Mark 1:15). Only Jesus can save you from hell! (John 3:17)