Nored Family

Monday, September 07, 2009

Dedicated To The Memory Of Emily Miller...

Remember me In a Bible cracked and faded by the years Remember me In a santuary filled with silent prayers
And age to age And heart to heart Bound by grace and peace Child of wonder, Child of God I'll remember you Remember Me
Remember me When the color of the sunset fills the sky Remember me When you pray and the tears of joy fall from your eyes
Remember me When the children leave their Sunday school with smiles Remember me When they're old enough to teach Old enough to preach Old enough to leave
Age to age and heart to heart Child of wonder child of God
Remember me
Age to age and heart to heart Child of wonder child of God

Click on the link to hear the song...

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Death of Emily...

Left to Right
Austin (13) , Emily & John Paul (18)

My friend, Emily Miller, passed away Tuesday night at 8:45. Her youngest son called me right when she passed. It was heartbreaking.Emily fought hard in her battle with the lung cancer. It was just so progressed by the time it was diagnosed in April that there wasn't much that could be done. So she made the most out of the time she had left. This last month was very rough on her. She lost a lot of weight and last week she was on morphine constantly for the pain. I know she is in a better place now and in no more pain; but looking at her little boy's face while he is dealing with something no 13 year old should be dealing with is very hard.Please pray for this family and her youngest son as he makes the transition to moving to another city and new school with his father and step mother.